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  • Zac Walker

March Madness

I started my month with 2 Italian races; Memorial Polese and Castello Roganzuolo. With Memorial Polese taking place on the same day as Strade Bianche, it was only right that this Italian national included gravel sections. It was a cold and wet day which made for some epic conditions (or pictures for Strava!). Unfortunately with the early season eagerness still present in the bunch I was brought down in a crash. Following on from this an onslaught of mechanics meant I ended with a DNF.

Aftermath of the crash

I was banged up from this crash, nursing around a limp in my thigh/leg for a week or so with the wound still open and healing as I write this. It was quite clear I was hurt so I was advised not to race the next day. I had a flight booked home in a couple of days and figured if I was not to race it was likely that my bike would not be fixed up until I would re-return to Italy. Being the cyclist I am and also with a side of stubbornness I didn’t want to be bike-less and ride-less until I returned home (4 days later) so I asked to race.

The adrenaline buzz that comes with racing got me through without too much troubles. This was a slightly different race, a 100km - 44lap crit. Often people assume I will not enjoy these races or perform badly in them due to being of a smaller build but in fact I enjoy them. There is more to think about then just watts and it feels like playing a video game to me. In this race I finished 13th; although not a win or close to it, it further emphasised my point to the team/ colleagues that I can be competent in this style of race.

Getting stuck into the crit!

Immediately after the race I was again feeling the pain from the crash. Luckily a period of forced rest (whilst travelling home and visiting my Visa appointment in London) was upon me.

I was then back on the Isle of Man up until late March. Feeling rather sluggish and slow on the bike initially, most likely down to the injury and travel catching up to me. After this period, I soon felt sprightly again, beginning preparations for a series of upcoming international u23 events.

Greeted by lovely weather on the IOM……

It was odd to be at home during this time, in previous years I would be competing in the “classics” but instead I was at home watching them. Nevertheless I enjoyed the different approach, taking time out in an attempt to peak for the upcoming events. With that being said and my Visa appointment successful, I am back with the team in Italy. Hopefully the training can pay off and I can get some nice results! This kick starts with Belvedere 1.2(U23) on Mon 1st April and Palio Del Recioto 1.2(U23) the following day.

Profile Overview of Belvedere (1st April)
Profile of Recioto (2nd April)

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