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  • Zac Walker

Time to rest, reflect and refocus.....

My 2021 race season has now finished. Since the Junior Tour of Wales, I've had one more major event; UCI Gran Fondo IOM. This was a 2-day event with a 10km uphill time trial on the Saturday, followed by a 135km Gran Fondo on the Sunday that was jam packed with climbing, off road sections and other various challenges. I'm happy to have come away from the event with a 4th in the TT, and 2nd in the Gran Fondo. The Gran Fondo was particularly challenging as I was solo for the last 100km - this meant for a lonely day out and a high risk of blowing up towards the end. To my joy, I managed my effort well and avoided the dreaded "crack"; all-in-all it was definitely worth it - even if I couldn't manage to take the win. Unfortunately, as I am still under 19 years old, I can't participate in the 2021 UCI Gran Fondo World Championships, but perhaps something I can look forward to in the future.

Gran Fondo podium presentation


With my season coming to an end, I can reflect upon and be satisfied with what has been a very successful year. I have achieved far more than what I set out to do in the beginning of the year and surpassed expectations. Of course, there are numerous things that upon hindsight, I wish I could've done differently. But that's racing. It can't always go your way. After being told that I wasn't selected for the u18 World Championships my morale took a hit. However, I'll use this to fuel my winter training with the aim of not only being selected next year, but to be racing for a medal.


For my rest I am taking a minimum of 3 weeks entirely off my bike. This was recommended by my coach and I completely agree. I think it's really important to let your body recover after a continuous cycle of cycle-eat-sleep for nearly 11 months. This will not only clear any existing fatigue but also provide a mental break so that come January when the weather has worsened and the days are short, my motivation and focus is as high as ever. It may seem strange, but I want to lose some fitness during this time. This is so I can have a challenge when building it back up and hopefully surpass my original level instead of plateauing.


I'm going to gradually introduce myself back into training after this period has ended. Personally, I like to do this with the combination of some fun rides with mates, runs and gym work. I'll continue to add the runs and gym to my training throughout winter to add variety/reduce boredom (as the season becomes closer, the ratio of cycling to other activities increases).

I've given myself a date where my training for the 2022 season officially resumes. NOVEMBER 1st. From that date I'll do whatever I can to get in the best shape possible for 2022.

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