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  • Zac Walker

Tips For Indoor Training

In light of the recent harsh weather conditions and myself spending a lot of time on the turbo trainer recently this blog is based upon my tips and tricks to enjoying (or at least not despising) those dreaded turbo sessions.

Tip #1 - “Invest”

Clear a room/ space for your sessions (also known as your pain cave). Once completed don’t be scared to upgrade your equipment; a smart trainer is great way to get a closer feel for the real world and monitor/laptop creates a better atmosphere than a blank wall does! Finally don’t neglect the importance of a decent fan, I’ve found that my sessions are far more manageable when I’ve kept cool throughout.

Here's my "pain cave"

Tip #2 - Music

Find or create a playlist that suits your needs. If you can get lost into a song the time will fly by. For me this changes daily depending on my mood but tends to be those with fast, intense back beats as I find it hard to ride to slow songs.

Tip #3 - Zwift Subscription

Personally I think purchasing a zwift subscription is definitely worth it. Riding on zwift not only creates an enjoyable viewing experience but also allows you to ride with others; whether that be your friends or people from across the world. The options on zwift are endless with updates occurring regularly which include new maps and routes within those maps. I often like to do group workouts and races because I prefer to train with others so the social aspect of zwift really becomes a useful asset to me.

A zwift race put on by Trinity back in Summer 22'

Tip #4 - Split The Session Into 2

Not always necessary, but particularly useful when opting for a longer ride. Try doing 2 shorter rides instead of 1 long ride; a ride in the morning and then another ride later that evening. This should mean that boredom doesn’t become a factor and has the potential for a more productive workout. An example of this might be to complete an hour workout in the morning and compete in a zwift race later that same day. This may hurt at the time but will bring about many improvements in the long run!

Tip #5 - Fuel

The importance of fueling and hydration is always important but especially so on the turbo trainer as the drop off recieved from under fueling is far more critical then that of being out on the road. In addition to this the time will only pass slower and slower when feeling empty while riding. I would advise to go in to the each session with full energy stores and then aim to have some form of carbohydrates every 30 minutes ~ don’t forget to take advantage of being at home! Have something that you can’t usually take out with you! I personally like to have something home-made.

There are my 5 key tips to for indoor training. If you feeI I've missed any or you have made a discovery feel free to comment below and share your thoughts.

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